Trang web đang được cập nhật. Phiên bản tiếng Việt sắp ra mắt. Chuyển hướng bạn đến trang tiếng Anh.(Xem thêm thông tin chi tiết.)

Terms of use for all LORRIC websites



1.1 United Benefit Corp. and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as LORRIC) are entitled to modify these general terms of use ("Terms of Use") and all texts, data, graphics, images, applications, tools, logos, video clips, directories, databases, lists, and other information and content ("information and content") on the websites of LORRIC without prior notice and to stop operating the LORRIC websites or parts of them.

1.2 The use of information and content of LORRIC websites and the use of the LORRIC websites itself is only allowed in accordance with these Terms of Use. By accessing a LORRIC website, these Terms of Use are accepted in their current version. They can be supplemented by general or individually agreed terms which, in case of conflict, precede these Terms of Use.

1.3 The LORRIC websites and the information and content contained herein are only directed at persons who are authorized to access it by the legal regulations in their country of residence and in their country of nationality. Access to LORRIC websites from countries where such access is unlawful is not allowed.

Limitation of access

2.1 Access to LORRIC websites and the information and content contained therein may be reserved for registered users. Users have no claim to registration. LORRIC reserves the right to introduce a registration obligation for freely accessible LORRIC websites and the information and content contained therein. Furthermore, LORRIC reserves the right to revoke or block the access to LORRIC websites of registered users without giving any reason.

2.2 If registration is required, the User is obliged to provide truthful information and shall communicate changes in this information immediately. After registration, the user receives a password and user name ("User Data").

The user shall ensure that User Data will not be accessible to third parties and shall be liable for all orders and other activities conducted using the User Data. If the user becomes aware of the misuse of his User Data by third parties, he is obliged to notify LORRIC immediately.

2.3 The user may at any time demand the deletion of registration in writing, provided that the deletion is not prevented by the processing of current contractual matters. In such a case, LORRIC will erase all User Data and all other personal data of the user.

No advice, instructions, or offers

3.1 The information and content of the LORRIC websites are provided solely for general information about LORRIC and its products, solutions, and services and do not aim to provide technical advice or instructions. For specific inquiries about our products, solutions, and services, please contact LORRIC directly. In any case, before installation and use of our products, the user manual supplied with the product has to be read.

3.2 The information and content of the LORRIC websites do not represent binding offers by LORRIC but are intended as an invitation to make an offer.

3.3 The fact that a user accesses a LORRIC website does not make him a client of LORRIC.

Use of information and content

LORRIC grants to the users a non-exclusive, non-transferable right - without the right to sublicense - to use the information and contents of the LORRIC websites to the agreed extent, or if nothing has been agreed, to the extent that the usage complies with the intention of LORRIC in providing and granting access to the information and content.

Apart from that, the information and content of LORRIC websites can under no circumstances be complemented, changed, reproduced, sold, rented, or in any other way made available or be exploited.

Intellectual property

5.1 Information and content of LORRIC websites are protected by copyright and other commercial protection rights.

5.2 Apart from the rights expressly granted by these Terms of Use, all rights, titles, and claims, in particular including copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, patents, and other intellectual property rights, as well as other rights to, for, and from all information and content of the LORRIC websites, remain with LORRIC or their respective owners.

In particular, neither the information and content of the LORRIC websites themselves, nor the downloading, copying, printing, modifying, reproducing, or other use of such information and content may be construed as granting any license or other rights of use.

Exclusion of warranty

6.1 LORRIC does not warrant that the access to LORRIC websites and their information and content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that errors will be corrected, and that no viruses or other harmful components will be transmitted in use.

6.2 LORRIC strives to provide users with accurate and up-to-date information and content. Nevertheless, LORRIC does not provide any warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, correctness, freedom from third-party rights, availability, or usability of LORRIC websites and the information and content contained therein, as well as of results and findings that are based on the information and content of LORRIC websites.

6.3 In particular, LORRIC does not warrant that results and findings based on information and content of the LORRIC websites, as well as products, solutions, and services which have been ordered based on such results and findings, are suitable for the purposes, applications, or possible uses intended by the customer (see 3.1).

Exclusion of liability

7.1 The liability for unlawful intention and gross negligence shall be governed by the applicable law.

Apart from that, the liability of LORRIC is limited to the extent permitted by law and irrespective of the legal basis, for direct or indirect loss, liability claims, costs, claims, expenses, or damages of any kind, resulting from the use or inability to use the LORRIC websites and the information and content contained therein, including gained results and findings that are based on information and content of the LORRIC websites.

7.2 In particular, LORRIC is not liable for damages resulting from the use, installation, or any other application of products and solutions that the user has ordered due to results and findings that are based on information and content of the LORRIC websites (see 3.1).


LORRIC attaches great importance to the protection of personal data of third parties and complies with data protection laws. More information can be found in the Privacy Policy of LORRIC.

Links to other websites / third-party contents

The information and content of third parties or links to third-party websites contained on LORRIC websites are provided solely for your convenience and information.

LORRIC has no influence and no control over the information and content of third-party websites, assumes no responsibility or warranty for such information and content, and makes no representations in this regard. This includes in particular the accuracy, content, quality, and timeliness of these websites.

LORRIC is neither liable for the information and content contained in third-party websites nor for websites that link to the LORRIC websites or display them in frames.

Final provisions

10.1 Should individual provisions of these Terms of Use be completely or partially invalid, the remaining conditions remain valid.

10.2 Ancillary agreements to these Terms of Use must be made in writing.

10.3 Place of jurisdiction and applicable laws is the registered seat of the LORRIC.